Friday, March 6, 2009

End of Second Week

"That's tea?" I asked my waiter as he poured my drink at lunch. It sure didn't look like tea. Looked like a light-colored chocolate milk. But it tasted all right, so I partook.

There really hasn't been anything too exciting happen this week, just been working. Don't have any trips planned for the weekend and I'm going into work for a while on Sunday. There have been a few experiences, though, that I've forgotten to put on here. Like when I first got into the airport, I had to go to the bathroom. So I find it, and have to pay 1 rupee to get in. When I got in, there was an inch of standing water in there. OK, not too big of a deal,. So I get done and when I flushed the toilet, water was spewing all over the place from the pipe where it connected to the toilet. "Well golly bum, I wonder what's causing all that water on the floor???"

I'm liking the food more and more. I've had chicken prepared probably 10 or 15 different ways, and it's just about all good. We went out to eat last night at a place called, "Temple Bay" and it was on the beach for the Bay of Bengal. This was a resort place that had a nice restaurant, but some people had rented it out for a wedding last night. So as we're driving up, there are big fireworks going off and they lasted for about 20 minutes while we were there. Nice breeze, enjoying the fireworks, watching the waves come, enjoying the local scotch, and wondering what the poor folks were doing for dinner :).

It's also a common site to see two Indian men walking around where one has his arm around the other. But, they say, that there's not any funny business going on there. It's a show of a buddy-buddy relationship. Just when I thought I had gotten used to it, I saw two of them holding hands while sitting down. Not sure that I could get used to that, but I've only seen it once so far.

Something that surprised me a little was that as common as it is to see cattle wandering around, there are just as many dogs, too. They're not the prettiest dogs you've ever seen, probably have a little bit of 10 different breeds in them. Haven't seen any cats, though. I hope there's not a relationship between that fact and all the ways that I've had "chicken" prepared ;).

One of the guys here sent me some of the pictures that he had on his camera and here they are:

Pretty self-explanatory. But in the background is a big class from a school

Us in front of that big, balanced, rock.

Close-up of the interactive monkey statue.

I think the tour guide said that this wall was 12.3 meters high...

This local was adamant about having his picture taken with two white boys. So one of my companions took a picture of him getting his picture taken.

Us packed into a cut in a room that was supposed to be for meditation.

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