Monday, March 2, 2009

Hindu Ruins and Crocodile Farm

This past weekend we went to a place called Mahabalipuram which has some Hindi ruins from about 1400 years ago. It was pretty neat. Our tour guide didn't have the best English, but I got the point. Some pictures are below.

I did get a little stomach bug after the trip. We ate at a seafood place and I had the crab. I've had crab before, but this one made me sick to my stomach, made my upper lip swell up, and made my eyes real bloodshot. No "Traveler's Diarrhea," though for all you hopefulls. Benedryl took care of my woes. Seemed like an allergic reaction. I'm allergic to shrimp, so we think that the crab might have been prepared in some left-over shrimp oil. I also had the "drink of the day" which was a Beverly Hills Iced Tea. Sounded like it might be good, but it tasted just like champagne and I'm not a champagne fan. So the second going theory on me getting sick is some type of bad water in the drink.

Friday evening we went to "Fisherman's Cove." It was really neat. Our table was on the beach, sitting in the sand. The Bay of Bengal was about 50 ft. behind our table. Had some pretty good things there. There was even beef.

I've been doing pretty good on my shopping, too. I like the haggling that goes on with just about everything that's bought. I've given a couple of salesmen the "Brent Knight walk-out", as Brady and I call it (named after our step-dad when he successfully executed the walk-out on a used car salesman when buying a truck for my brother). I've had pretty good success with the walk-out, it's worked more times than it hasn't. I had one come chasing me down the hall after I had cleared his door by about 100 feet! I thought I had him, but he still wouldn't come down to my price. He let me go on the second walk-out, which surprised me.

On the way to Mahabalipuram, we stopped off at a crocodile/snake farm. Really neat. Really cheap, too. Admission was 30 rupees (60 cents) and if you took a camera, that was another 20 rupees (40 cents). The pictures below speak for themselves.
Interactive statue with the monkeys

Pucker up!!!

Pretty neat...

Mean chompers on that one.

Fisherman's cove. The shoreline was just behind our table.

This rock is just balanced on top of the one it is sitting on; it's not held by anything. Kind of hard to see in the picture, but it's actually sitting on an incline.

Finally got a picture of this. This was just a village, but on the way to work, they're doing road work, and there are women that carry things like big bowls of rocks for the construction on their heads.

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