Saturday, February 21, 2009

Texas Boys in Singapore

"Yes ma'am, thank you. I will have a warm, moist towel for my face before take-off."

"This white wine is okay, better than the red. But let's go back to the Black Label and water."

Yeah, it was a real rough flight over here. All the space and leg room I could ask for in my reclining seat, complete with foot rest. Business Class is the way to go! It was 11 1/2 hours from L.A. to Tokyo, where we had an hour long layover. It was pretty neat though, lots of shops in that airport. I definitely don't have the same taste in clothing as they do. I didn't find myself too tempted to buy anything. One of my traveling companions, Joe Thomas, bought a shirt in that airport because all 3 of us forgot to put a shirt in our overnight bag for our layover here in Singapore. The shirt has Japanese writing on it and I'm giving him a hard time because it probably says something like, "Gringo here. Fat wallet in back pocket." There was also a "tasting stand" where I got a sip of Johnny Walker, Blue Label. Not too shaby.

It was 7 1/2 hours from Tokyo to Singapore. I was able to finish off "Lonesome Dove" on the DVD player on that flight. I sat next to a guy born in Ireland but now is a banker in Singapore. He said that there are 4 1/2 million people in this city, but it's only about 30 miles long.

My other traveling companion, Roland Sanchez, and I went out for a day on the town in Singapore today. We went to the main street where there are a bunch of shops. It was very much like any nice downtown in a big American city. Just people walking around spending money. But the city is extremely nice and clean. Lots of trees in medians and on the side of the road. This used to be a British colony, so they all drive on the left side of the road. And the steering wheel is on the right side of the car. It's pretty weird to see people driving a stick-shift from the right side. First gear is still upper-left though, in case you were wondering.

Then we went and did what is probably the main tourist thing here, the Singapore Flyer. It's a ferris-wheel like contraption with good size capsules for people to ride in. I got lots of pictures from this thing, but apparently left my transfer apparatus in my luggage, which is who knows where right now.

I talked to a guy who travels the world for business and he said that this Singapore airport is like the 3rd nicest in the world, behind Shanghai and Hong Kong. I wouldn't doubt it. Very clean and lots of nice shops. I went into the Ferrari store to buy a shirt earlier, and the bottom-end shit was about $75, American. So I got some "Tiger Beer" shirt with Asian writing that probably says something close to what Joe's says.

Singapore's currency is also the dollar, but not the same as the American dollar. They just call it a dollar. And 1 US dollar gets you 1.51 Singapore dollars. Pretty cheap day on the town, I spent $58, American.

Anyways, a New Zealand guy told me that this Business Lounge has free massages somewhere in it, so I'm gonna go try to track that down. This traveling for business sure is tough...

Well no such luck on the free massage. Apparently it was next to our lounge, but not exactly free.

Here are some of the pictures from my day in Singapore:

Bob Wills reincarnated as an Asian

A golf course from the Singapore Flyer. Not many trees on that course; my kind of course!

A capsule on the Singapore Flyer

Steering column on right side of cab

The street where we did some shopping.

Just wanted a picture of a license plate...

Apparently the Singapore people are very superstitious. The "Conrad" guy who built this hotel thought that 13, oddly enough, was his lucky number. So he shaped a "13" into the windows for his hotel.

These silver domes are called "Esplande" and it's their performing arts center.

Esplande from the cab.

Floating soccer field.

A "duk" which apparently is far from unique to Singapore. Roland told me that he rode one in Boston and they originated with the U.S. in WW II. These things travel on land and sea. I think they just drive right off the end of the boat ramp and keep on going!

A bunch of cargo ships in the harbor with the Malaysian mountains in the background.

Inside the Singapore airport.

Couldn't believe it. This was a "fish spa" and yes, those are legs in the tank and yes, those are fish in the tank. The people said that it "kinda tingled." I'll take their word for it.

Only picture from Chennai so far. This was right outside the Arrivals area. I thought it looked like a WW II Army jeep, but the driver (who is passed out in the back) was waiting for someone.

1 comment:

  1. Master Adam, these pictures are amazing! I love the fish tank, try that.

    Now, what about their food?
