Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trip Details

Hey there everyone. I thought that I'd set this blog ("online journal" for some of my relatives :) ) up so that people can keep tabs on me without me having to spend 3 hours on the phone every day.

I leave San Antonio on Thursday morning at 6:00 am and will eventually arrive in Chennai at 10:00 pm. on Saturday (I'll be crossing the International Date Line). I fly from here to L.A., then to Singapore. I have something like a 19 hour layover in Singapore, but since I'm going in style (Business class), there's some sort of small complimentary hotel room at the Singapore airport for VIPs such as myself. Then from Singapore it's on to Chennai.

I'll leave Chennai on Sunday, March 30th in the wee hours of the morning for Rome (like 1:45 am.). Holly will be getting into Rome around 8:00 that Monday morning. I'll eventually get to Rome around 1:00 pm. with a 2 hour layover in Frankfurt. The layover in Frankfurt kind of surprised me because I'll be flying pretty close to Italy to get to Germany. I'd like to spend an evening on the town in Frankfurt, so I'm gonna see what I can do about getting that flight bumped back a day and stay the night in Frankfurt. Holly and I will be getting back to San Antonio on Sunday night, April 5th. Holly wanted to get back to the states before Masters week started :).

I added a little poll at the bottom of the page. Be sure and cast your vote!

My next post ought to come from halfway around the world in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam,

    Brent and I are so proud of you and excited you are about to embark upon this adventure. I know you will do a phenomenal job for USAA.

    Let us have an "arrived safely" call, text, or email.

    Love you high as the sky.........
